Hello everyone! I hope everyone has been doing well. It is a great time of the year now and also my favorite! I love the way everyone is towards others. I wish it would be like this the whole year through.
Well, I am almost finished with my first semester of college. Only two more weeks left! It is so weird! I still can't believe I'm going to college. It has been a goal of mine since I graduated!
We are cruising along in the Book of Mormon. We've been reading through Mosiah and some of Alma. These are my favorite stories! I love how the 4 sons of Mosiah and Alma the Younger had a mighty change of heart and wanted to go and teach the people all that they learned!
A few things I learned while watching some of the videos available to us:
The birth of the Savior means the world has a chance to feel His love. Look to the Light! Repentance is a Divine Gift! It gives us freedom, confidence and peace. Try not to be selfish. "God implanted strong appetites in us...for nourishment and love, we need to master the appetite with God's love! True change and healing can only happen through the Atonement of Jesus Christ!" (Russell M. Nelson) Do not be a slave to the appetite. Master your emotions and passions and be free from one-self. Slavery is true liberation.
On of our prophets from the church who has since passed away advised us to cease to do evil and learn to do well. If there are sins that are scarlet, they can be white as snow! Use the Atonement of Jesus Christ and repent. Have a change in heart and be clean in language, in thought and in dress and body. Be a grateful disciple of the Lord Jesus Christ by seeing who YOU are. A beloved Child of God!
This next video was so good I thought I would share it all with you. It has such a great message that I couldn't word it just right so please watch "Reclaimed" by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. These are Mormon Messages that are made to help others know more about "the Mormons" so please feel free to watch others on YouTube!
I am thankful for the Atonement of Jesus Christ so that I can become reclaimed. I can work hard and become a disciple of Christ by repenting of my sins and showing my brother Jesus Christ that I am thankful for his sacrifice. Because of Him I can live my life and know Who I Am! I am a daughter of a Loving Heavenly Father and Mother. Who shows me their love daily. I am a mother, wife and friend to those around me. I am thankful for the family that my Heavenly Father has given me. I am thankful for the gospel that He has shown me, and has testified to me that it is true. Thank you for reading my posts and I hope that my stories, strength and learning will help you to grow and learn as the Pathway Program has done for me.