So now you know my family. Like I said, my upbringing wasn't the greatest. But looking back now I learned a lot of things that pertain to living. I learned that I never wanted to hit my children out of anger. I learned to not have too many kids that I couldn't handle. I learned to say I love you to my family every day. I learned that making mistakes is a good way to learn, whether you make them yourself or learn from someone else making them. I learned that no matter where I am or what I'm doing, I will always be loved. That is a whole other blog though. Religion.
So, here I am, about to turn 35 in a few weeks. And I've experienced a lot. Once I was married I took on a job only to find out that we were expecting. I was tired of my job and how it was a family business which means the family walked all over us and we were treated like nothing. So, I walked away. However, Jason and I just bought our first house that very same week. I needed another job and fast! I got one. Working at a collection agency. What a great experience! I learned that I will NEVER write a check for funds I don't have. Holy cow! That can get expensive! Anyway, when DJ was born I quit my job and stayed home. Boy, was that hard for me. Like I said, I'm not one to just sit around. I had a very hard time. I loved my son, loved spending time with him but felt so useless! I literally felt like a milk supply and a maid. Not that I cleaned much (I've never liked cleaning and it's a running joke with our family how I clean the least of all of us). So ups and downs came with Jason and I but we were able to pull through it. (Not to mention the most important part of lack of sleep due to our baby who hardly ever slept!)
So I started trying new things. Grandma Van tried to teach me how to knit. Not to interested. I taught myself how to cross-stitch. Still have the DJ that I started when he was a baby that is still not finished! So, I started doing things with friends that had kids also. Although, most people my age were not having kids. So the majority of the people I hung out with were older. That was tough for me.
Once Karlee was born I was feeling a bit better about myself. Going from one kid to two was very easy for me. Karlee and DJ got a long very well. I felt I can handle things. I started doing extra things that was fun for me. I started doing a murder mystery play when Karlee was 8 months old. I learned how to sew and loved it!!! I started sewing the kids' pajamas all the time! I even sewed Karlee's Halloween costume when she was two! Boo from Monster's Inc. I love sewing.
When Ashlee came DJ was in kindergarten. In fact, she was born on his second day of school. It was a great transition into my kids starting school. I never really had time to think about the fact that my son was starting school! So, I helped out in his class, had Karlee in gymnastics and volunteered for the March of Dimes. Things were good! I volunteered as much as I could for anything and everything. They also started a local group of the MOMS Club where I cherished going to events. I later became president of the club and has also been secretary and Vice President several times. I loved working with other people, helping them out and letting them know there are other people just like them going through the exact same things. It was great.
Some hard things for me though was to learn that not everyone liked people like me and not everyone would drop everything to help those around them. It was hard for me to connect to people because I kind of expected them to treat me the way I treated them. It's been a very hard lesson for me to learn. I still have some times where I wish I had a close friend that really knew me and my heart. I mean a girl friend. I always have Jason to talk to but it's not the same as a female to share these crazy emotions with. :p
Anyway, so that's pretty much me. I am an emotional basket case sometimes but can be there for you in a drop of a hat if you need me. I hope you all have enjoyed yourselves.
Love always and forever,
Nini V.
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