Saturday, August 19, 2023

"Behold, I Send You Forth As Lambs Among Wolves" Luke 10:3

     This week while reading through the New Testament, I was searching for any flag phrases. I have quite a list of phrases that were mentioned in the small amount of scriptures I read. Since I am reading about the stories, I am reading some from different books at the same time. This week I read Matthew 19-20, Mark 10, Luke 10-18, and John 11

When looking for flag phrases, you focus on certain words that will make it easier to find. Words like, yea, behold, even, and it came to pass are some things I looked for. Others to look for are, Thus we see, therefore, wherefore, and nevertheless. Sometimes there are similes that you can find in the scriptures as well. Look for the words as and like to spot them. 

There are several stories in these chapters that I read. However, I focused more on just the flag phrases. What I liked about singling out these phrases is that I was able to use it for my gain. I can take this advice and know that Heavenly Father is speaking to me and trying to help me become the person I want to be. In one of my other classes I had watched this video of one of my favorite apostles from our church, Jeffrey R. Holland. His talks always help uplift me. He is such an amazing speaker. Some day I wish to be able to listen to him in person. I just love his soul. Please enjoy this video as he speaks about good things coming.

The scripture found in Luke 10:27 reminded me of this video. It says, "Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy strength, and with all thy mind; and thy neighbor as thyself." How truly helpful this neighbor was as he helped this young father. 

As I work towards finishing my degree, I am also working on Becoming Like Christ. Right now I am focusing on my prayers. It has been such a blessing to work towards being like Him. I am thankful for this opportunity to grow so I can become the person Heavenly Father wants me to be. 

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