Saturday, February 27, 2016

Christ visits America!

Hello to all my friends and family that are reading this. I have been so busy lately that I don't think I can even think straight! lol My kids' school has been doing the musical "Shrek" and I was asked to be the house manager. It's been a lot of fun but very time consuming and I have to say, I don't really like doing homework this late at night! But here I am. Ready to talk about what I learned this week.
In the scriptures that we've been studying we learn about when Christ visits America. Now, this is something very important to us LDS members. There is so much to learn from Him when He visits here. Let me begin by saying Virtue is an important one. When virtue garnishes your thoughts, your self confidence grows (Elder Russel M. Nelson). Newly repented converts of the church find that the restored gospel governs their thoughts and deeds, it shapes their habits and forges their character.
Did you know that when Jesus came to the earth in America, he brought all the little children around Him. Sister Michaelene P. Grassli says that "Children are worthy of our time and efforts. Children were present when Jesus Christ prayed." We too can spend some time with our children. Look at them as Jesus would. They are worthy enough for Him! We too should look to them as being the righteous and worthy soldiers that we should be!
President Gordon B Hinckley made a great quote about those that let pride take over them. "Pride is the great stumbling block of Zion." Pride is evil. I will try my hardest to never let pride get in my way! (I have a long way to go, trust me!)
Brother Mark E. Peterson says that if you forgive others, Heavenly Father will forgive you. However, "if ye forgive not, neither will Heavenly Father forgive ye. Judge not, lest ye be judged. We will reap what we sow." This always reminds me of the golden rule, "Do unto others, as you would have them do unto you." Why is that so hard for people to understand? It breaks my heart to see other people hurting other people with words and feelings. When you don't forgive others, it's like drinking a cup of poison and expecting them to die. It is only hurting yourself. Forgive others so that you can be happy.
Robert D. Hales said "Faith without works is dead." If there is no work involved, then you are not moving forward. Isn't that the way you want to go? Not backwards, not behind, but forward! In order to move forward you've got to have faith! Here are some steps that Brother Hales has mentioned in finding faith: 1. Let the prophets words touch your hearts, hear the word of God 2. Let the words sink deep into your heart 3. Hunger in your soul for the knowledge 4. Be obedient to the Lord by following the commandments and the laws of the land and finally, 5. Humbly ask in prayer for the truth to come to you. Ask and ye shall know, seek and ye shall find, knock and it shall be opened. Heavenly Father has told us if we ask in earnest prayer that He will give us the knowledge that we need. The knowledge that we are looking for. We just need to ask.
I'd like to finish up by saying that prayers are important to me. I know that my prayers aren't always easy to say, or simple at all. But what He wants from me is to talk to Him. I will try my hardest to be simple, direct and sincere in my prayers. I do know that IF Heavenly Father is offended by any prayers, it is likely because of their absence, and not by the language. (Dallin H. Oaks)

Love to you all!
Nini V.