Monday, November 23, 2015

New Power Point from class

Hey everyone! It's been a few weeks and life has been crazy. I've made another PowerPoint for class so I thought I would share. I've learned a lot these past few weeks. Can I just say how awesome King Benjamin is! And reading into this week’s material, what a difference he made! This book is so awesome. Speaking of, did you read the book like I challenged you to last time? I'd love to hear the comments on what insights you have gained. Please keep it to positive comments only. I will delete any negative. (Thanks!)
Life in the Van De Venter household has still been a roller coaster. It has been up and down for sure with us. We are trying to live life day to day and just make sure that our kids know how much we love them. Searching the scriptures and really studying them has helped me focus on what is more important. I start seeing things with a positive outlook. I know there is a lesson for me to learn through each trial that I face. I will accept any challenge that Heavenly Father throws at me, because I know that He will help me and guide me through it. He is a loving Father and He does not want to see me fail. I will look to Him for anything I might need. Guidance, Love, a Shoulder to cry on. I know He will be there.
With Thanksgiving coming up this week I thought I would share a few things I wrote down in my gratitude journal. It's quite a long list!
Family, Husband, Friends, Food, Clean Air to Breathe (asthmatic), Beds, House, Blankets, Clothes, Snow, Car, School, Internet, Book of Mormon, Sleep, Church Music, Kangen Water, Heavenly Father's Love, Priesthood Blessings, Charity, Sacrament, Work, The Gospel, Anything Purple, IPad, Testimonies, Zumba, Costco, Medicine, Scriptures, Modern Day Prophets, Holy Ghost, Temples, Eternal Marriage, Pencils, Pens, Chocolate, Five Senses, Talents, Doctors, Health, Freedom.
Just to name a few.
I was given a paper to write all the things I'm thankful for. On the top of it is this saying, 

"It is not happy people who are Grateful, it is Grateful people who are happy." 

I hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving Holiday and a safe shopping weekend! 

With Love,
Nini Van De Venter

Friday, November 6, 2015

Happy Birthday to Me! Oh wait, I'm studying.

We are cruising along with our college courses in Pathway. We are already on Lesson 7! I can't believe how close we have come as a group in our Thursday night gatherings. It's pretty neat. Last week I had one of those trials you wish you never had to go through. Can I just say that teenagers are the hardest? My gathering group had noticed the change in me, asked about it and all week have prayed for me and my family. So inspiring! I can feel their love when I walk through the door.

Speaking of trials and Pathway, I have grown so much through this that I was better prepared for this trial we are going through. I usually go deep into depression and feel sorry for myself. I think about how horrible of a mother I am and all the things I do wrong. But with my college course I am taking, I have been improving myself by working on a Christlike attribute. I chose self worth to work on. It has helped me so much! I haven't once thought down on myself. I know that I am going to get through this with my Heavenly Father's help and support. I love this gospel. We will never be alone!

So, what I've learned this last week has been very informing. Some things that I didn't even put together before.

I learned that if we have hope, we can stay on the right path. We can have hope that through the Atonement of Jesus Christ and the power of his resurrection we can be raised until life eternal. Did you know that the Book of Mormon says that Christ loves everyone? All nations! Every nation, every person, is invited to come unto Christ. He also gives us a hint about what's to come! "And because that I have spoken one word ye need not suppose that I can not speak another, for my work is not yet finished, neither shall it be until the end of man." I'm gonna leave that up to your imagination about what that means! But I've got my ideas.

What is the definition of witness? To sum it up? A testimony. So did you know that Divine Doctrines are confirmed by more than one scriptural witness? The scriptures are revelations to the prophets from God. When reading the Book of Mormon it is intended to help believe the Bible! The Book of Mormon reiterates the law of tithing, the temples, keeping the Sabbath day holy, and the Priesthood.

Now, of course with the good, there is always the bad. Satan is always around. He is very deceiving and entices us in such easy ways. Some of his followers will say there is no God, there's no one to follow. There is no sin, eat, drink and be merry, Some of them will have too much pride in their hearts that they will not follow God. Some will have more love for their pleasures then they will for following God. Then there's those that commit all sexual sins, lie, and steal. The Devil will portray these as fun but they result in spiritual fatality.

When reading all of these teachings in the Book of Mormon, one thing I did remember from before is that if we seek this knowledge by faith, He will give us the spiritual knowledge that we need. We will be taught by the spirit. We will learn by Faith. If we are learning with the guidance of the Holy Ghost, it will be remembered in the heart and not just in the mind.

So as Boyd K. Packer said, "We are in enemy territory" growing up in this era. Stand tall as a daughter/son of God. "Feast upon the words of Christ" (Boyd Baggett) and feel his spirit as the Holy Ghost comforts you and teaches you, for the Savior is never far from us. He is there to guide us and help us. I would like to challenge all those that are reading my blog to read the Book of Mormon and ask in earnest prayer if it is the word of God (ask me for one if you need one to read).


I know that I am a daughter of God. I know I am loved by Him. I know that through the Atonement of Christ, I can live with Him again. I am thankful for latter day prophets to guide us in our days. I am thankful that I have the Holy Ghost to guide me in the right direction, as long as I am following the commandments. It is my goal to endure to the end so that my family will be by His side for eternity.

Oh yeah, and Happy Birthday to me tomorrow!!!