Saturday, March 26, 2016

The book of Ether, Lessons we learn through Struggles

This week we studied the book of Ether in the Book of Mormon. I realized that this is the third witness for us to learn about through the scriptures. We first learn about the Israelites in the Bible, then the Nephites in the Book of Mormon and then the Jaredites in the last part of the Book of Mormon. I believe the saying goes something like, "It comes in three's". Right? Please correct me if I'm wrong. We know that the Book of Mormon has three witnesses to it. Something big happens with the number 3! That is why I have three kids! lol Just kidding.
    These scriptures are one of my favorites. Can you imagine seeing God's finger reach out and touch a rock right in front of you? What would you do? The brother of Jared had so much faith that he was able to see Jesus's finger. He then was able to converse with the Lord and learned so much! So much that we aren't even ready to hear it all! It was written for us to see. But Heavenly Father told Moroni that we are not ready for it yet. It is sealed up and hidden. When will we be able to see it? Read it? When Heavenly Father believes we will be ready. Am I going to look high and low for it? Look for signs to lead me to it? Or wait and live righteously while I prove my obedience until He reveals it to me? I know that having faith is not always knowing all the answers. It's not always given to us when we ask either. There are times that Heavenly Father will have us try and figure it out on our own, and times where we will have to learn as we go because He knows we can do it. There will be times where we are getting thrashed at sea with waves splashing all around us, but as we live faithfully and righteously, we will walk on dry land, and live to see Jesus Christ's hand in our lives. We will see His finger when we need it. Maybe not physically, but we will know when it is there.

      I've had a hard time this week with personal family issues. It has brought me down a few times. But then I saw a video in my class that literally brought me to tears. It was like the lesson knew what I was going through. Whoever put this lesson together knew that this week, in my home, would be a tough one. I'm still looking for that hidden camera in my home. ;)

So let's watch this video:

Mountains to Climb

Everyone in their lives at one point or another has a trial that they need to overcome. Knowing that we are not alone in this endeavor has always helped me along the way. I don't have to go through this alone. Even though there may not be someone I know who is going through the same thing as me, I know that there is someone who knows how I feel. And this weekend I get to celebrate Him and appreciate the things He went through so that I can learn to let the hurt feelings go. I know my Heavenly Father lives. And loves us for who we are. I know that Jesus Christ lives and wants us to be happy. He died so that we can make our own choices. So that we can repent when we do wrong and be eternally grateful for the things we do right. I love my Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ so much. I will live my life daily in obedience to their words and guidance so that I can live with them again.

Much love,
Nini V.

Saturday, March 12, 2016

Listening to Learn

Hello friends. Yes, I am here again. I already spoke about the blessings of tithing in my last post. It is amazing how wonderful tithing can be. Now I want to talk about some other things I learned this week from my studies. I love President Russell M. Nelson. Sometimes he just says things that make sense you know? He started out with one of his talks saying we learn to listen and we listen to learn. President J. Reuben Clark said, "We do not lack a prophet, what we lack is a listening ear." When we are wise, we can learn and grow from our church leaders.
We need to uplift ourselves to a better ground. How would you act if Jesus Christ was here on the earth today? Elder James M. Paramore spoke of a story related to him from someone he knew who had once struggled in the church. He said, "...because I wasn't living a righteous life, I looked down my nose at others. When you lose the spirit of the Lord you don't judge properly. You look to judge negatively and you find fault. Then you rationalize why you act that way."
We are to become like Jesus. When we be, we do. When we do, we become. In the scriptures it says Ye know the things that which ye do. Are we doing what we want to become? Jesus Christ said, "Even as I am." We are to be like him and take upon us His name, and his nature! If we all became like Jesus Christ and helped serve others, wouldn't this be a wonderful place to live in? I will do my best to become like Jesus. I will do and I will be. What are you becoming? 

Seriously love being faithful!

I love this gospel. It has guided me through the toughest paths yet opened up new pathways 😉 too. My recent blessing? It's amazing. My co-worker asked if we wanted her mini loft beds. Jason and I talked about it but didn't really decide on it. Well, she called me today saying goodwill won't take them so will I? We did. Karlee has been using a hide-a-bed couch in her room for a bed. So we put that back into the tv room ("Brave's Room") and then moved Ashlee's bed into Karlee's room. We immediately looked on Craigslist and there was a very nice memory foam twin for $50. Jason went and looked at it and it was very clean. So we got it. The girls like their new beds, but we still had another loft bed. Well, we listed it on Craigslist for $75 and will take $50 for it. Which means, you guessed it, we just got a new bed set for Ashlee for zero dollars!!! If there is anything I can learn from this is, I know my Heavenly Father is looking out for me! And of course, tithing works!!!!! I love this gospel! 

And yes! That IS President Thomas S. Monson of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints on her wall! And forgive me for clearly being lazy and not getting her some new curtains for like 7 years now! She hates those Dora curtains!!! Lol